Crazy Fast Boat !!
1968 21 foot Sanger Shovel Noes Top Fuel Hydro.
This is one of 3 known to exist. Owned by 2 War Vets that put there heart and soul into the build.It has a Blown Small Block Chevy that runs on 40% Nitro. It has only 4 runs on the engine and drive. Super smooth and easy to drive. The engine was once in a roadster that passed 200 MPH at Bonneville. Runs easy 8 seconds. Number 1 qualifier last time out. The Engine has Velassko, Aries, Jesse, AFR etc. No Junk. Adjust Valve Train, add fuel and Fly. $16,000.00 or Trade for something, this thing scares me :-). The motor alone is worth that much. Amazing Trailer
68 Sanger Top Fuel Hydro

68 Sanger Top Fuel Hydro
Price | $16,000 |
Located in | California |
Owner Name | Derrick S. |
Phone Number | 760 403-5099 |
Category | Boats for Sale |
Keywords |